-Jack Kerouac
-Allen Ginsberg
-William S. Burroughs
-Gregory Corso
-Lawrence Ferlinghetti
-Michael McClure
-Gary Synder
2. The Beat generation culture originated from a group of students who questioned the materialism of their society and they disliked their parents generation rule. However they wanted to change the old way people hid their child from talks about sexuality. They were mainly against traditional ways of people.
3.The Beat Generation culture was seen by the general public as difficult to understand, and so they were not to approving towards the generation.
4. The Beat generation offered the nation a new way to explore ideas never seen before, and to learn new things talking about them like drugs, buddhism and music. They wanted people to experience new ideas and ways of expressing straight forward views.
5. The main characteristics of the beatniks:
-A group of men who wore berets and played bongos as women wore black clothes and used to dance.
-A cultural movement apart from the literary beats.
6. The beat generation has influenced our present culture by making authors and artists feel free to express what they think trough music or writing, even if it is appropiate or not, letting them be direct and honest on their views.